So apologies to all my one and a half regular readers for being silent* since before Christmas but you know yeah life intervenes. That old prime minister with the moustache used to say "Events dear boy events" we did it in History.
So like basically when we were out Christmas shopping Karl the anorak said would I like to get married and I said yes. Not realising that this would like unleash a maelstrom (good word eh?) of relatives and wedding planners and times when Karl was supposed to get drunk which he doesn't enjoy doing all taking over our lives for months and months until in the end a few weeks ago we called it off and decided to live in what used to be called sin lol.
So now our dads are pleased owing to the credit crunch and saving the money and our mums are well pissed off lol but we are fine. Sporting-wise tho I have been in a bit of a cleft dilemma yeah because Karl is not fond of cricket so I tried hard to learn about football but I have realised it is better not actually. As we know many men still prefer women to be illiterate but Karl is not as bad as that by any means but all the same I have to as Clint Eastwood said know his limitations. Otherwise I get the little sigh and the patient explaining voice telling me what I already know duh. So now I content myself with noting that the former TH14 is doing the business for Barcelona in a quiet way but I don't ask like questions. And meanwhile I try to follow my cricket but there is like a blanket of non-enthusiasm at the other end of the sofa sigh.
So I will not attempt to catch up on the cricket events over the winter because you know it all already. In June I went to the Oval to watch the T20 England v Pakistan where the capacity crowd included the internationally known blogger Mouth of the Mersey, the famous Zephirine and mystery financier Lord Ebren. A good time was had by all especially the very loud mad Pakistani fans around us who were happily mocking the sad England supporters you know the ones yeah no girlfriends getting very drunk silly clothes. Till in the end England won and the Pakistanis were seriously disappointed and trailed away but by then the sad English guys were too pissed to say much. Believe me if the Pakistan side get to come to England and play their matches it will be worth going because they really know how to support their team and they are really funny and completely out of hand.

And now it is the Ashes or the h'Ashes as Michael Holding says and the blogs are full of Strayans being rude about Stuart Broad which as we know is contrary to English law and punishable by torture but of course they are abroad and hiding behind a cloak of pseudonymity don't we all lol.
I shall attempt to post some thoughts about the Ashes in the coming weeks and days though Karl says what is the point as England are going to lose. I said the important thing is the taking part and he was like oh please. You see what I have to deal with.
*uncharacteristic you may think lol.