Sunday 13 September 2009


A few people read this blog believe it or not and some of them have been asking me if I'm really Lily Allen in disguise!

So I'm like what there can only be one female smartarse lolkid who likes cricket in the world at any one time is it?  Yeah right.  Actually we are a small but growing army and not barmy at all in the least.

So no I am not Lily Allen and here is the proof:

1)  I couldn't get tickets for the Oval.

2)  Although we must applaud Lil for fancying Graham Onions who is indeed rather wonderful in his own special way lol she doesn't understand at all about Paul Collingwood.

3)  Even with his Arsenal-loving anorak on my Karl is better-looking than Lily's new boyfriend who is meh and a bit podgy IMHO.

4)  She is rich and famous and has met Jonathan Agnew.


1 comment:

Gilbert Josh said...

Outstanding Good for you Phenomenal Good reasoning Praiseworthy Good thinking Prestigious work Good work/Good job Proper Grand Purrrfect Great Remarkable Great going Resounding results Honorable Respectable I appreciate your cooperation. Right on target I appreciate your help.

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